Wiersma and Smeets

About Wiersma & Smeets
Wiersma&Smeets' plays are almost entirely put together with light. They use ancient and contemporary magic lantern-techniques, live video art and so much more. You witness every trick they do and strangely enough that makes it all the more magical...
Wiersma&Smeets are jacks of all trades as one would expect from master handymen / women. They produce and perform the story, the music, visual aids, sound and technical aids all by themselves. (Final direction is done by various directors.)
Bram Wiersma has been working as a visual theatre producer whose work could sometimes be regarded as visual art and other times as theatre. Since the seventies he has made several theatre productions for children together with Ad van Iersel such as 'Het Tuintje' (The Little Garden) in 1998, a Bronks (Brussels) production.
Moniek Smeets is a visual artist and she has made several striking and well-received three-dimensional installations. 'Alientje' is the third theatre production for children she made with Bram Wiersma.
Wiersma&Smeets developed a totally authentic style in 'laboratory theatre' by making Alientje. It is a pleasant mix of simplicity and complexity, high tech and low tech, familiarity and abstraction, humour and poignancy, triviality and poetry. The concept includes the visibility of the sometimes surprisingly simple techniques which ads an essential dimension that makes it interesting for grown-ups also. The show is suitable for an international audience because it involves hardly any text.